Category: How to

How can my business use Circular Economy

There is an interesting ongoing analysis conducted by the Global Footprint Network that monitors the yearly Earth Overshoot Day. Humanity is currently using Earth’s natural resources 1.7 times faster than our planet’s biocapacity regeneration capacity. However, not all the countries are homogeneously using the same nature’s capacity. Developed countries like U.S.A or Australia “needs” lead to more consumption […]

How to reduce your plastic consumption

Plastic consumption is saturating the planet of a type of waste that takes centuries to degrade. The plastic waste have become a global problem that cannot longer be swap underneath our neighbours carpets, therefore among other strategies, individual action for the common goal is needed if we do not want to end up drowned in […]

How to improve your ESG Performance

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is your newest commitment towards your customers and stakeholders, the greater public, the global community and the environment, but what are they exactly? How can they benefit my business? How to improve my ESG performance? These and other questions will hopefully be clarified in the next few lines.  Table of […]